Knorr was looking to inspire Hispanic women to add flavor to their traditional dishes with the Knorr products already in their pantries. They sought to connect with Hispanic women through an all-encompassing digital approach that reached the right audience, with the right communication, at the right time, and through the right channels.
Knorr Sabor inspires Hispanic women to cook their traditional dishes with Knorr through a robust recipe and meal inspiration platform offering traditional recipes and food related tips for meal inspiration. Knorr Sabor’s food related content and product showcase centers around solutions to help moms and their families to stay connected to their culture. The communications come to life across a variety of digital channels and tactics including a web site, mobile, social media, influencers and content distribution.

Knorr’s recipe and cooking tips content is centralized on the website, KnorrSabor.com. In addition to inspiring women and moms with traditional recipes and ideas, the website contains information about Knorr’s products including where to buy as well as background and history on the company and the Knorr chefs.
As part of Captura Group’s ongoing metrics analysis indicating growth in mobile traffic to KnorrSabor.com, and consumer insights pointing to the necessity of mobile for reaching Hispanics, a mobile site was launched in 2014. The mobile optimized site allows Knorr to reach Latinas wherever they are – at retail when she is looking for product and recipe ideas as she shops, or in her kitchen as she is preparing a meal for her family.
Leveraging Knorr’s existing Facebook page, Captura Group identified a growing following of Hispanics that were not being addressed by the general market communication. As a result, Captura Group recommended and developed culturally relevant content on the existing Knorr Facebook page targeting Spanish speaking Latinas that positions Knorr as a trusted advisor in the Hispanic kitchen. In addition, this content was also distributed through Vivemejor’s Facebook page, Unilever’s multi-brand platform targeting Hispanic women.

Content and Influencer Marketing
Knorr amplifies its recipes, meal inspiration, and cooking tips content through Captura Group’s content and influencer marketing platform, Contenido Latino, to distribute its content to 3rd party publishers and influencers in order to build brand awareness while improving overall SEO.
In addition to content amplification, Captura Group leverages its Contenido Latino network to tap into its influencers for content contribution where valuable tips and ideas from Latina moms are woven into Knorr’s content for additional relevance.
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Retail Activation
Retailers leverage the growing reach and content offering of the Knorr Sabor platform to amplify in store promotions and events as well as leveraging Knorr content to provide solutions for their own customers.