In 2018 go deep with the U.S. Hispanic consumer

If you had questions about whether the U.S. Hispanic market should be in your marketing sights for 2018, we’re here to answer with a resounding SÍ.
We looked at the current AHAA Hispanic Market Guide and it’s clear: the U.S. Hispanic market represents a significant consumer segment that requires a strategic approach. Whether it’s income range, gender segmentation, over-indexing in various areas of the digital space and technology, or even online TV and radio audience potential, the Hispanic consumer is ready to see, hear, and consume what you have to offer. Here are 10 reasons that will illustrate the depth of the Hispanic consumer and insights on who they are and how to reach them.
- 93%— Hispanic households with one or more smartphones. Hispanics are also more than 20% more likely to own a game console than the average of Caucasian, African-American and Asian-American households. When it comes to tech, don’t forget this market.
- $40k + — Upscale Hispanics, defined as households earning over $40,000, make up about 40% of the demographic’s purchasing power. Nearly half of Hispanic households on the Internet make over $60,000 per year. Moreover, 25% of them make over $100,000. That’s a lot of disposable income.
- 13:52 hours— Number of hours Hispanics spend listening to the radio each week, almost an hour more than the composite numbers for Caucasians, African-Americans and Asian-Americans. Hispanics are ready to hear what you have to say.
- 840,000 — Hispanics millennials are heavy users of LinkedIn and Latinas are especially fond of visiting the business network on their smartphones, 49% more often than other demographic groups.
- 850,000 — Latina Millennials visiting fragrance and cosmetic websites through their smartphones. That’s 172% of the average Internet visitation numbers.
- 1.4 million — Latina women visiting financial service provider websites via smartphone, fully 20% of the female visitor numbers.
- More than 1 million — Latina women making regular recommendations on social media, 11% more than the average Internet user. 19% of Latina women are influencers, with many acting as brand ambassadors via their lifestyle blogs. Now you know who can give your brand a culturally relevant voice.
- 74% — Affluent Hispanics who watch TV online. Hispanic Millennials are 55% more likely to watch TV online. If you’re looking for your audience, that’s where you’ll find them.
- 29% — Hispanic TV Cord Cutters with no TV subscription. For subscription service growth, Hispanics are the go-to demographic, with 8% year-to-year penetration growth.
- 17.2 minutes – Average time Hispanics spend on each visit to Facebook, roughly equivalent to Caucasians and more than any other demographic group. Place those ads now to reach your Hispanic audience.
Based on these facts, the task for your brand is to make the U.S. Hispanic market a priority in your 2018 marketing efforts. Hispanics are waiting for what you have to offer, and are ready to contribute to the growth of your brand.
¡Feliz Año Nuevo!